Dental Sealants

a man at his dental appointment

Back Teeth Protection

You may have noticed that reaching your molars, the teeth in the very back of your mouth, can be difficult when brushing and flossing. As a result, patients sometimes do a less than stellar job of cleaning these teeth at home. Also, the many grooves in your molars make these teeth an ideal place for food to hide and cavities to form.

Sealants can help with this problem. Sealants are thin coatings of polymer that are applied to your molars, protecting them from decay. They are an important part of preventative dentistry and can help save you from future discomfort and large dental bills.

Although sealants are recommended for all children, adults can benefit from their protection as well. Call Towson Dental Group to find out more and schedule a visit.

Towson Dental Group

Timely care to stop discomfort and address dental emergencies. We serve patients from Towson, MD and other towns in the greater Baltimore area.

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